Monday, April 2, 2012

S'more Summer Love - by 911turbowriter

Summary: Instead of spending the summer before she goes off to college with her best friends, Mary Alice Brandon is shipped off to work at a Sleep-Away camp in New York where she meets her attractive,Southern supervisor, Jasper. Written for Camp Twilight Contest. O/S Link

Couple 'o Adopted Banners

Miss Kassiah was kind enough to take a few banners off my hands and I figured I would post an update with the final results:

Summary: If the person is so right, does it matter if the timing is all wrong? E/B. Rated: M. Complete Link

Summary: FGB gift for ElleCC - First kiss, first...other things, and so many more experiences together. She believes he uses her friendship for comfort when it's convenient for him, but is that really the truth? Or do his moody reactions mean something more? AH. Rated: M. Complete. Link

Missing an Angel

Okay... so let it be known that I am an el massive Supernatural fangirl. Like... when my newest puppy ate (yes -- ate) disk 3 of season 5, and I almost cried a little bit. It's one of these really trivial things in life that I take SUPER seriously.

Anyway. So I made this banner. And I don't know what is up with me and circles lately, but yeah. Here it is :)